Monday, September 29, 2008

Carlie had a 70's themed disco at her school on Friday night. It was a lot of fun. The kids had a great time playing games and dancing. Carson was a little angel. He loved being at the "BIG" School. It was cute.

Here is Carson, Carlie and Haley waiting outside for Aunt Stef and Colin. Carlie got this shirt from her Birthday and it was perfect for the disco.

Here is little Colin doing "Strong-man" while the kiddos were getting tatooed. He is do DARN Cute!

Here is Carlie busting a move. She was so funny to watch. She just loves to dance and her whole attitude is just amazing. She dances as if no one is watching and it is so sweet. Although I have to say. . .I am beginning to think that all the dance lessons have yet to pay off. hahahaha

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