Anyway, I am having a little turmoil going on in my head. Some of you know what I am talking about. I am trying to decide whether I should become a "Stay at home Mom". I know that I will not regret it, but I am so torn making sure I don't let anyone down.
1-I don't want to let my kiddos down and I want to make sure that I am the best mom that I can be.
2-I don't want to let my husband down by not being the best mom I can be, and not bringing in some income. He likes being able to play poker and go to Vegas and all that. etc.
3-I don't want to let my parents down at work. I know that the other girls can't do their jobs and my job too. So therefore, I don't want to put my parents in a pickle as far as being shorthanded.
4-I don't want to let Denise or Natalie down for choosing to be a "Stay at home mom" when I know that they would like to stay home but can't really. I don't want them to be resentful or have any hard feeling towards me.
I know I am not really making a lot of sense, I am just trying to write out how I feel about the whole situation. I did talk it over with Bubba and my parents and they are 100% supportive of me. I just know, I can't keep going like I am going. Especially with a 3rd one. The other day I put 50 miles on my car in one day just taking the kids to Marilyn's , School and going to work. It was nuts. If anyone has any suggestions or comments, please feel free to share them. I know it will all work out in the end, but I am stressing!
Staying at home is boring, selfless, smelly, sometimes showerless, aggrevating and monotous.Not to mention the monetary pay sucks. Flat out just sucks.
On the upside there are endless giggles, hugs, kisses, milestones, and other things I just don't want someone else telling me about. A time I can't go back and get no matter how money we make.
Part time out of the question?????
I totally agree with Stef. Like today Vinnie was soooo cuddly, crawling into my lap and giving hugs (which is a new thing, he wasn't so cuddly before). Going part time was the best decision I ever made. And the only reason I am still working is because I LOVE my job and its seomthing I do for me. Financially we could possibly do it but it does help.
You have always been a very selfless person so maybe its time for you to do something for yourself that also benefits the family. Everybody wins.
Hi I am nosey and I read your posts :) But I wanted to let you know that I prefer the term: Domestic Engineer :) Seriously, I put my degree on the shelf when we had Caleb. It was a very difficult decision-but I have never regreted it. I can go back into my field when my kiddos are older, on the other hand I can never make my kiddos small again. Financially we have had to sacrifice things here and there-but we have a home for our children, we have food and heat. And most of all I have been able to really enjoy the Mommy life that will only be here for a split moment of my life. I work part-time as well (21hrs/week) and it is just enough to get me out of the house a little and bring in a little extra cash. I think your kiddos would look back one day and remember how you were at home after they had a bad day at school or went on that field trip with them. Others might get a little jealous, but you need to put your families needs and especially yours (with expecting the 3rd) first. Sorry to be nosey...but I just felt a little intrigued to give you my two-cents :)
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