My New Year's resolutions are:
---To Blog More and add pictures
---Have more patience
---Exercise a little bit ;)
---Go to church more often then once a year. . .
---Save money
---drink less Diet Dr Pepper
---Remember to stop and enjoy every little thing that happens. Life is too short to be so darn busy.
If anyone reads Stef's blog. . .Then you will know what I am going to be talking about next. If not I will fill you in a little bit. So on Christmas Eve we had 30 or so people at our house. We within 48 hours of Christmas Eve everyone was dropping like flies with a little stomach bug. . .(including myself). Thank goodness it only lasted about 24 hours. I guess now the total is up to 13 people that have come down with the highly contagious little bug! Poor Colin was the last to get sick and he is the least one that can afford to lose any weight. Poor thing. I hope he is feeling better and I sure hope that next year everyone still decides to come to our house!!!!!! I was wondering if maybe it could have been food poisoning but I don't think so if Colin just come down with it. Yuck!!!!
Well, on a different note. . . we are still thinking of names. Cash is definitely out. Bubba thinks that he will get made fun of. Carter is still a maybe. Although Carlie doesn't like it. She told me it was a girls name. I couldn't figure out why she thought that until she said. . ."Remember June Carter?" Hahahaha I guess we could name him Carter Cash Calabrese. That would be funny. (In case nobody gets it. June Carter and Johnny Cash fans here!) We did think of Cameron Lewis Calabrese? We are still open to suggestions!!!!
I am sorry for the long blog, but I actually have a free minute to myself for once! Love you all and I'll talk to you later!
1 comment:
Happy New Year! So excited to meet Little C.
So, I guess Carlo is out ? ;)
I actually think Carter Cash is kind of cool.
Carlie could sing 'Jackson' to him.
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