WOW! I can't believe that Carter is already 3 1/2 weeks old. He is already getting little CHUBBY cheeks to kiss on. It is funny. He is eating about 4-5 ounces every 3-4 hours. He is still sleeping a lot. I can't wait for him to sleep all night though! ha Actually last week I took him to the doctor and he put him on Zantac for Acid Reflex. He was crying a lot and acting a lot like Carson did when they diagnosed him with it. It has really made a difference. Thank God there is medicine for these little guys. They seem to be in so much pain. Other then that, life is good.
Carlie has 2 days of school left and she is going to be a FIRST GRADER!! BOO HOO. She is getting so darn big.
Did I also tell you all that Carson is wearing Big Boy Underwear! He has really done good. He is peeing in the toliet all the time. The only issue is the pooping thing. He waits until we put a pull-up on him at night to do that. I guess one step at a time. Right? I am so proud of him. I do need to tell Bubba to teach him to control the fire hose. It is hilarious to watch him aim.