Ok. . .So Carson has been begging us to get him golf clubs for sometime now. At least a year. So we told him that as soon as he was potty trained like a Big Boy we would get him some. So on Father's day, we took him and Carlie and they got the cutest set of clubs. They are so little. Carson got Blue ones and Carlie got of course pink ones. They were so excited. We then went to the driving range at Lake Arbor. They did really good. So pretty uneventful. . . Then came the following Tuesday night. We were home and they wanted to practice. So Daddy took them outside and set them up. One on each side of the tree. We needless to say it was only a few mintues later and Carson got a whack to the face and off to the emergency room we went! I have never seen so much blood. Luckily he was a trooper and they ended up glueing it closed instead of actully stitching it. Thank God it wasn't his eye or much worse then it was. I am very thankful for that. I guess it is definitely a lesson to be learned.
Isn't he cute with his little clubs?

Carlie looking very stylish!

His poor little nose!

Check out the width of that sucker!

Yes, he got a good shiner too!