Here is Carson getting his Birthday Present from Papa and Grandma Mama. Do I need to say that he LOVES IT!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Birthday Present
Here is Carson getting his Birthday Present from Papa and Grandma Mama. Do I need to say that he LOVES IT!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
37 Weeks
I went to the doctor on Friday and I am already dialated to 2 and really soft. So he said that he doesn't think it will be this week. But he will see where I am next Friday. If I am dilated to a 3 or 4 he said that he will schedule an inducement on the 5th or 6th. He doesn't want me to have Carter in the "Rock Pit". That was his exact words!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I am not sure if you all are aware that we have been dealing with some issues with Carlie since October. So I am going to start at the beginning.
In October, we went for our first Parent/Teacher conference with Carlie's Kindergarten teacher and we were completely blown away to learn that she wasn't doing very well. We were so surprised. When she was in Preschool we had nothing but positive feedback and that she was right on track. So we were so surprised to learn that she was way behind in her sounds and phonics. She was also having a really hard time following directions. Her teacher wanted to try some new strategies and we were all going to work really hard to see if we could get her on track. We were also going to meet monthly for progress reports. When we met in November and December she was really responding to the new strategies so we were just going to keep doing what we were doing.
Then we met in January, and she was falling behind again. She was still in the lowest reading group and not participating in the group discussions. Her teacher wanted us to have to tested and see if she might qualify for some extra help at school. We totally agreed to go ahead with the testing. Her teacher was really concerned that Carlie might start getting frustrated and start disliking school. She was seen by the Special Ed teacher, School Psychiatrist, and the Speech and Hearing Specialist. Her teacher, Aide, Tommy, and I also had to fill out a questionnaire called the Connors Test. We then met the end of February and everything came back borderline "normal". So in other words she scored enough to not qualify for extra help at school. They were all on the same page though that something still isn't quite right. They are almost wondering if when she hears something if it kind of hits a speed bump on the way to her brain. They suggested that she be seen by another speech and language therapist. Which I immediately called and we got in within the next week. Carlie met with her about 4 times before the therapist said to me she was unable to put her finger on it either. She mentioned ADD or maybe her willingness not to pay attention. She was baffled. She said that she would like to see her a couple more times and she will see. So the second time we met with her after that she suggested that we see an MD to determine if she has ADD. She said that she does not see the Hyperactive part of it so she was unable to say for sure. She also suggested possible seizures. That amazed me because I never mentioned that she was tested for that when she was 3. The next day I called her doctor and he was very interested in what the testing from the school said. So he wanted me to fax him all the reports. This was on a Thursday. So the following Monday which was this last Monday, the pediatrician called me and said that he definitely sees that the ADD is present. He thought that a small dose of medication seemed to be the first thing that we should try. After spending 45 minutes on the phone with him we made an appointment for Tuesday to have Carlie seen and discuss it some more. Tommy and I don't think that medicine is the answer for everything so we were a little uneasy about it. When we discussed it with him some more we thought we would give it a try. So she started on Wednesday morning. It is the smallest dose for her size and it is taken in the morning. The first day was a struggle because she has to swallow it whole. It isn't very big, but she was scared. She did it though!! After I picked her up from school on Wednesday the teacher said she had her hand up 3 times in group, which was not like her at all. She usually stares! Thursday night we had a conference with the teacher and she was utterly amazed! Her test scores are amazing compared to where they were in October and January. She was way below where she needed to be then and Thursday she was way above. INCREDIBLE!!!!! What a difference a little pill makes. The side affects are: She may seem a little more weepy and sensitive and have a decreased appetite for about 2-3 weeks. I definitely am seeing that so we will see. I am really optimistic and hopeful. I will keep you all posted.
In October, we went for our first Parent/Teacher conference with Carlie's Kindergarten teacher and we were completely blown away to learn that she wasn't doing very well. We were so surprised. When she was in Preschool we had nothing but positive feedback and that she was right on track. So we were so surprised to learn that she was way behind in her sounds and phonics. She was also having a really hard time following directions. Her teacher wanted to try some new strategies and we were all going to work really hard to see if we could get her on track. We were also going to meet monthly for progress reports. When we met in November and December she was really responding to the new strategies so we were just going to keep doing what we were doing.
Then we met in January, and she was falling behind again. She was still in the lowest reading group and not participating in the group discussions. Her teacher wanted us to have to tested and see if she might qualify for some extra help at school. We totally agreed to go ahead with the testing. Her teacher was really concerned that Carlie might start getting frustrated and start disliking school. She was seen by the Special Ed teacher, School Psychiatrist, and the Speech and Hearing Specialist. Her teacher, Aide, Tommy, and I also had to fill out a questionnaire called the Connors Test. We then met the end of February and everything came back borderline "normal". So in other words she scored enough to not qualify for extra help at school. They were all on the same page though that something still isn't quite right. They are almost wondering if when she hears something if it kind of hits a speed bump on the way to her brain. They suggested that she be seen by another speech and language therapist. Which I immediately called and we got in within the next week. Carlie met with her about 4 times before the therapist said to me she was unable to put her finger on it either. She mentioned ADD or maybe her willingness not to pay attention. She was baffled. She said that she would like to see her a couple more times and she will see. So the second time we met with her after that she suggested that we see an MD to determine if she has ADD. She said that she does not see the Hyperactive part of it so she was unable to say for sure. She also suggested possible seizures. That amazed me because I never mentioned that she was tested for that when she was 3. The next day I called her doctor and he was very interested in what the testing from the school said. So he wanted me to fax him all the reports. This was on a Thursday. So the following Monday which was this last Monday, the pediatrician called me and said that he definitely sees that the ADD is present. He thought that a small dose of medication seemed to be the first thing that we should try. After spending 45 minutes on the phone with him we made an appointment for Tuesday to have Carlie seen and discuss it some more. Tommy and I don't think that medicine is the answer for everything so we were a little uneasy about it. When we discussed it with him some more we thought we would give it a try. So she started on Wednesday morning. It is the smallest dose for her size and it is taken in the morning. The first day was a struggle because she has to swallow it whole. It isn't very big, but she was scared. She did it though!! After I picked her up from school on Wednesday the teacher said she had her hand up 3 times in group, which was not like her at all. She usually stares! Thursday night we had a conference with the teacher and she was utterly amazed! Her test scores are amazing compared to where they were in October and January. She was way below where she needed to be then and Thursday she was way above. INCREDIBLE!!!!! What a difference a little pill makes. The side affects are: She may seem a little more weepy and sensitive and have a decreased appetite for about 2-3 weeks. I definitely am seeing that so we will see. I am really optimistic and hopeful. I will keep you all posted.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Carson's 3rd Birthday!
Hi Everyone.
We had a busy weekend. We had a small little party for Carson's 3rd Birthday! It was small by our standards. It was a beautiful day and the little stinker had the best time. He was so darn excited. I am going to post pictures of the birthday boy this weekend. I cannot believe my baby is not a baby anymore! BooHoo. He is a little man!
We had a busy weekend. We had a small little party for Carson's 3rd Birthday! It was small by our standards. It was a beautiful day and the little stinker had the best time. He was so darn excited. I am going to post pictures of the birthday boy this weekend. I cannot believe my baby is not a baby anymore! BooHoo. He is a little man!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
36 Weeks and Counting
Ok I am now 36 weeks and Natalie is 30 weeks. Don't we look cute! I am HUGE!!!! I went to the doctor today and he checked the good ol' cervix. I am "finger-tip" dialated and Carter is still floating up in Montana. He said that I won't have Carter this week but that I definitely will not make it to my due date. So we will see. My next appointment is Friday April 25th. I guess I better pack my bag in the next week just in case!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Ok, I Lied!
I was so tired when I posted the previous post and I didn't even think to put that there was something interesting this weekend. I took the kiddos down to Rose Hospital on Saturday for them to take little classes about being a new Big Brother and Big Sister. Carson's was in the morning and it was called "Kangaroo Kapers". It was really cute and interesting. They talked about Babies and what they might look like when they arrive. (as far as the umbilical cord goes and all that) they also took a tour of the nursery and of the hospital rooms where Mommy will be when they come and visit. It was good. Carson really liked watching the babies in the nursery. Carlie's class was in the afternoon and her's was called "Parent Helper". It focused on ways that the older kids can be helpful when the baby comes home. They got to practice changing a diaper on a play baby doll, helping with a bath, helping with tummy time, and also how to properly hold a baby and how to be so careful of the neck and head. Carlie was so good. She is going to be great!! It is funny how yesterday and this morning she has been so helpful with Carson and with me. She is even helping me make beds!!!! She also got another tour of the nursery and hospital room. So all in all, It was very helpful and worth the $30.00 for each class. It is definitely making all of us very anxious to meet our new little guy!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
34 1/2 weeks and counting down
Well, not much to post this week. I went to Dr Z on Wednesday. Nothing to report. Next time I go they will start checking the cervix. Fun Fun! I go on April 16th. I can't believe that I am already to that point. Time flies.
Have a good week everyone and I will report when I have something exciting or interesting happens. Pathetic huh? Love to all
Have a good week everyone and I will report when I have something exciting or interesting happens. Pathetic huh? Love to all
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