Friday, December 28, 2007
Oh BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, we went for the 20 week ultrasound today and thank GOD everything it great! He is a healthy baby BOY! Yes, we are having another boy! Carlie was the first to find out from the ultrasound tech. Bless her heart, she was disappointed. She really wanted a little sister. But I know in time she will come to realize that being the only girl is going to be a blessing in disguise. Aunt Stef and Grandma Carol also came along which was really special. Baby C is healthy as can be from what they can tell on ultrasound, so we couldn't be more happy or relieved. We are still working on names. . . Cash Lewis Calabrese or Carter Lewis Calabrese or ???????????? Cash was in the name of my paternal great grandfather in case you were wondering? William Cash Ainsworth to be exact. Different. I know. We are open to suggestions. Going back to the sex of baby C. I am actually really happy that he is a boy. For 1, I am glad that Carlie is going to be the only princess. Number 2, Carson and baby C are going to be closer in age and therefore hopefully close buds. Number 3, I don't know if I could keep up with another girl (emotionally and financially if you know what I mean i.e. Perms, dance, etc...) whewwwww... So there it is. What a day! ;)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still can't believe that I am going to have THREE chickadees!!! Crazy!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Sorry for the delay. . . AGAIN!
Hello everyone. Welcome to December. I know that you are all probably tired of me not updating. I have to confess that honestly. . . I haven't had time. My best time to do this is when I am at work and I have been pretty busy there. And when I am at home, forget it. Although, I am finding the time right now.
Can you all believe that it is December? I am so not ready for all of this. I have hardly started my shopping! I know I am going to be going crazy to get all this done. Not only the shopping and wrapping, but I am having everyone here on Christmas EVE!!!!!!! I better start moving my butt! I did have big plans this week to get some done, but Carson had to go and get sick. I am talking throwing up like the Exorsist sick! I just hope we all don't get it. There is nothing worse then a child getting sick. Don't you agree MOM's? YUCK. Especially in the new van!
Can you all believe that it is December? I am so not ready for all of this. I have hardly started my shopping! I know I am going to be going crazy to get all this done. Not only the shopping and wrapping, but I am having everyone here on Christmas EVE!!!!!!! I better start moving my butt! I did have big plans this week to get some done, but Carson had to go and get sick. I am talking throwing up like the Exorsist sick! I just hope we all don't get it. There is nothing worse then a child getting sick. Don't you agree MOM's? YUCK. Especially in the new van!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Well, I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was great! We had a busy, but very thankful day. We started out at Bubba'a Great Aunt Carmella and UncleJoe's house to visit. They are so sweet. I love how on all the holidays everyone goes over there to pay a visit. It really reminds me how things should be now a days. Then we made our way over to Aunt Betty and Uncle Jerry's house. We had a great time. Lots of food! It looked like we didn't even eat anything when we were cleaning up the table. The babies are so cute! I could just eat them up. They are both walking and talking a little bit. I love how they are learning to sign some words. It is soooooooo cute! I wish I would have done that with my kids. But I'll admit it, I was too lazy to take the time to do that. I guess we made it without it. Maybe I will do it with this next one. After Aunt B's we went to Natalie and Sean's. It was very small and intimate. Only us, them, my parents. Once again it looked like we didn't even eat a thing. Kind of depressing since there are some people that don't even have a thing to eat. We are very lucky and very blessed. It was a hard Thanksgiving, since this was the first one without Boo-Boo. I know my mom was really having a hard time. But I think he was there with us in spirit. We sure do miss him hollering at the kids! haha He was really good at that. :)
On a different note. I went to Carlie's Thanksgiving feast at school on Monday and all the kids were asked what are they thankful for. So it went around the room and each child would reply, "I am thankful for my family and friends." So I am waiting for Carlie's turn, I am sure she is going to say that she is thankful for her family or her mom being with her today. Then when it gets to her I have this Big smile on my face, just knowing what she is going to say, then she says,"I am thankful for my. . .DOG!" I thought what am I chopped liver! It was funny!
On a different note. I went to Carlie's Thanksgiving feast at school on Monday and all the kids were asked what are they thankful for. So it went around the room and each child would reply, "I am thankful for my family and friends." So I am waiting for Carlie's turn, I am sure she is going to say that she is thankful for her family or her mom being with her today. Then when it gets to her I have this Big smile on my face, just knowing what she is going to say, then she says,"I am thankful for my. . .DOG!" I thought what am I chopped liver! It was funny!
Ok. . . Sorry for the delay!
Ok, I am sorry for the delay in updating this blog. I am finding that it is difficult to put my life into something exciting that you would all enjoy reading. My everyday life consists of getting up at 5:45 am and not stopping until I hit the hay at 9:30 pm. I leave the house by 7:15 no later, then I take Lony to Marilyn's and then Carlie to school. Then I am off to work for 2 1/2 hours until I have to pick Carlie up from school and take her Marilyn's as well. Then I am off to work again to try and make my work day as productive as I can. Then at 5 I am off to Marilyn's to pick my kids to feed, bathe, do homework, laundry, dishes, and whatever other duties are waiting for me. Once we are all in our jammies we all snuggle in Mom and Dad's bed for a story then we go to bed. I feel like saying. . ."Second verse. . . Same as the First!!!" Sounds exciting doesn't it? I guess I am really not as lame as it sounds. I do get to have a little excitment and crazy times. When that does happen, I will be sure to write about it. haha I just can't think of anything right now!!!
Friday, November 9, 2007
I went to Dr Z today and he said he is going to wait to offically change my due date. He said he'll wait until the 20 week ultrasound and see if the baby still measures at May 15th. SO I guess sometime between May 15th -May 25th! He also said that May 5-8th is a good time to have a baby. ;) Maybe he is going out of town or something!
Natalie also went to the doctor and she is due June 28th! Carlie's Birthday. Wouldn't that be neat? Carlie would expect a baby born for her birthday present every year! I think she will be disapointed. I know I am done after this one. I'm not sure about Natalie.
That is all for now.
Have a good weekend.
Natalie also went to the doctor and she is due June 28th! Carlie's Birthday. Wouldn't that be neat? Carlie would expect a baby born for her birthday present every year! I think she will be disapointed. I know I am done after this one. I'm not sure about Natalie.
That is all for now.
Have a good weekend.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
1st Trimester Screen
Well, I went to the doctor today. Actually a neonatal specialist that does the first trimester screen. Something that Dr. Z's office doesn't do yet. Actually I think Dr. Z called it a "Fancy-ass machine". It was an ultrasound that measures the membrane at the base of the skull. Then they take your blood now and at 16 weeks. Then when they get all the results back it will tell you if your baby has Down's Syndrome or not. It is supposed to take the place of an amino. It was really interesting and neat. We were able to see that it is already kicking and moving! AMAZING at 12 weeks. It was actually hitting itself in the head. And, Yes, it does have the signature CALABRESE BIG HEAD! So I guess Bubba can't deny it. They measured me at 12 weeks and 6 days. A little further then what they originally thought. It makes better sense, because it coinsides with the date of my last period. Which then puts me at May 15th for a due date. I am anxious to see if I will deliver on my birthday! I will keep you updated, I go see Dr. Z on Friday morning. Talk to you later!!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Ok, so here it goes
Well, I am joining in with Stef and publishing my thoughts and experiences throughout my boring, BUT very busy life. This weekend we went to Stef's B-day party and the kids had a blast. They love to dress up and be with the family. I am going to publish the pictures once I call Stef and figure out how to do it. I know, I know. . . I need to get into the 21st Century and learn to do all this high tech stuff. So stay tuned and I will update with pictures and hopefully a whole new cool background.
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